Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Program Spotlight: Francis Scott Key Afterschool Learning Program

Happy 2014! SNBC gives thanks for the wonderful staff of our Afterschool Learning Program at Francis Scott Key (F.S. Key) Elementary. Ms. Donna Chan has worked with youth at F.S. Key for five years and continues to teach and inspire hundreds of kids through SNBC’s afterschool and summer programs. Thank you for your years of service in the Sunset, Ms. Donna!

Ms. Donna poses with the happy kids of F.S. Key!
SNBC: Please tell us a little about yourself.

Ms. Donna: I’ve worked at F.S. Key for about five years. I love kids and how I can have an impact on their lives.

SNBC: What brought you to this program?

Ms. Donna: I love working with the youth and families because I can give them the support they need. Working with youth is the key to success because youth and families are very important to our community.

Ms. Donna with the FSK ASLP staff several years ago
SNBC: What do you enjoy most about your work within this program?

Ms. Donna: The best part of my position is getting to spend all my time with my kids and teaching them through different activities and projects. Getting to see all the students grow.

SNBC: Why do you think this program is important?

Ms. Donna: It’s important because I want all students to feel that they’re safe and have some place to go after school. Also so all students can learn as they grow.