SNBC's Adult Programs, offered both during the day and in the evening, serve well over 300 people each week. SNBC holds daytime computer classes and ESL classes at SNBC's storefront office as well as various evening programs for adults at A.P. Giannini Middle School.
Want to develop your computer skills, start a blog, or learn how to knit? Then take advantage of our Adult Programs and sign up for our next session! Talk to Patrick Montgomery (, Evening Program Coordinator, or Nathaniel Carter (, Technology Coordinator, for more information.
A Place To Learn
SNBC's Adult Programs are tremendous free resources that provide adults in the Sunset the chance to connect with other members in their community through ESL classes, computer classes (for both beginning and intermediate students), yoga, art, dance, community-led knitting groups, and more! We also partner with groups such as San Francisco Chinese Line Dance to offer space for free drop-in programs to the community. Whether you want to hone an existing skill or try your hand at something completely new, chances are SNBC's Adult Programs have something to offer you!
A Place To Connect
Adult Programs provide a valuable social outlet, serving as a space for people to get out of the house and connect with neighbors over shared interests. Combating the social isolation that some in our community face as a result of living in a predominantly residential area is a top priority for the Evening Programs. We’re proud to offer the community a space to come together and enjoy shared interests!